Religion is Out of Fashion

3 min readNov 28, 2021


Do you recall the excitement of believing in Santa Claus? The comforting notion that someone was watching over you throughout the year, noting your deeds, led to the anticipatory joy of Christmas morning. Isn’t there a part of you that appreciates the enchantment of this childhood fantasy?

Indeed, Santa was merely a figment created for commercial purposes.

We’re adults now—yet, doesn’t a part of you still revel in the festive warmth as November ends?

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Religion In Today’s World: A Fading Belief

Nowadays, folks are leaning more towards the material, the tangible—less and less about the spirit, the faith, and living in a world governed by the laws of science.

Hold on, blasphemy, right?

Supposedly, if you’re a naturalist, science is your gospel.

And here lies the rub.

Cheers to Science

Thanks to science, we’ve saved countless lives, made our daily grind easier, and figured out bits and pieces of the cosmos.

Science is tops; no arguing that. I’m not here to dismiss the feats of the lab and calculator.

But there’s this phrase, right?

“Science, ’cause it doesn’t give a hoot about your beliefs.”

So, does standing with science mean ditching the spiritual? Not necessarily. Look at meditation, chanting, and praying—they calm the nerves and lower the stress.

So, yes, there’s a bridge between them. And it’s not some rickety old thing.

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The Age-Old Wisdom of Balance

Remember how your doc always says, “Moderation in all things”? Echoes from the old texts, those Holy books, have been saying the same for eons.

Take fasting.

Loads of studies nowadays tell you it’s good for you—lifespan, health, the works. Funny thing, most faiths have been preaching that same sermon on fasting, intermittent feasting, and a bit of self-restraint for ages.

Gratitude? It shoots up your dopamine and serotonin. Not just feel-good mumbo jumbo—it’s biochemistry, friend.

It makes you better with this attitude. More aware, less judgy, and kinder. Shakes up the ego and reminds you that time's ticking.

Ever read about that physicist who figured laying off the pleasure pedal was the key to happiness?

The same conclusion was reached in those dusty, divine manuals.

Photo by Sam Carter on Unsplash

The Silver Lining in Belief

Full-tilt belief in science can be a downer at crunch time.

Science has its cold, hard edges. Find yourself in a tight spot (heaven forbid), and science gives you the hard pass—no miracles, no wildcard, zip.

Then what?

Carl Gustav Jung, a big-shot psychiatrist, reckoned we’re Homo Religiosus—wired to believe there’s someone up there in our corner.

Belief does make things simpler.

But here’s the kicker—religion demands sacrifice.

And today’s crowd?

Not so keen. We’d rather cling to the immortal dream, no strings attached, thinking cash will sort out out the afterlife.

Do you remember Eric Clapton’s memoir?

His wrestle with the bottle, the moment he hit rock bottom, cried out for divine intervention at Hazelden—and got it.

I’ve danced with my own demons, those born from anxiety’s shadow.

Blez Paskal—ever heard of him? Had this idea, “Pascal’s wager about God"—a practical nudge towards faith.

And Soren Kierkegaard, that broody Danish thinker, threw his hands up about proving God. Said faith’s beyond the proof.

A nihilist would scoff.

Photo by Chris Greenhow on Unsplash

Let It Be

Sometimes, letting the rational mind snooze and letting those deeper whispers guide you—it’s not just okay; it’s necessary. Life simplifies in belief.

And no, it ain’t a sign of frailty.

You, me, we’re one in 400 trillion. So, why not?

Credo quia absurdum est.




Written by Dejan

Biologist, ecologist, and proud millennial. Enjoys teaching, writing, and reading. Passionate about sports and adventure. Fights anxiety boldly.

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